The power of the dream
Deep within each heart
There lies a magic spark
That lights the fire of our imagination
There's nothing ordinary
In the living of each day
There's a special part
Every one of us will play
Feel the flame forever burn
Teaching lessons we must learn
To bring us closer to the power of the dream
As the world gives us its best
To stand apart from all the rest
Your mind will take you far
The rest is just pure heart
You'll find your fate is all your own creation
And every boy and girl
As they come into this world
They bring the gift of hope and inspiration
There's so much strength in all of us
Every woman child and man
It's the moment that you think you can't
You'll discover that you can
There's nothing ordinary
In the living of each day
There's a special part
Every one of us will play
Feel the flame forever burn
Teaching lessons we must learn
To bring us closer to the power of the dream
As the world gives us its best
To stand apart from all the rest
Your mind will take you far
The rest is just pure heart
You'll find your fate is all your own creation
And every boy and girl
As they come into this world
They bring the gift of hope and inspiration
There's so much strength in all of us
Every woman child and man
It's the moment that you think you can't
You'll discover that you can
Kekuatan mimpi
Jauh di dalam hati masing-masing
Disinilah letak percikan ajaib
Yang menyalakan api imajinasi kita
Tidak ada yang biasa
Dalam hidup setiap hari
Ada bagian khusus
Setiap salah satu dari kami akan bermain
Rasakan api membakar selamanya
Pengajaran pelajaran kita harus belajar
Untuk membawa kita lebih dekat dengan kekuatan mimpi
Ketika dunia memberi kita yang terbaik
Untuk berdiri terpisah dari yang lain
Pikiran Anda akan membawa Anda jauh
Sisanya hanya hati yang murni
Anda akan menemukan nasib Anda adalah semua ciptaan Anda
Dan setiap anak laki-laki dan perempuan
Ketika mereka datang ke dunia ini
Mereka membawa karunia harapan dan inspirasi
Ada begitu banyak kekuatan dalam diri kita semua
Setiap anak wanita dan pria
Ini saat yang Anda pikir Anda tidak bisa
Anda akan menemukan bahwa Anda bisa
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